According to a CDC report , the infant mortality rate in the U.S. has risen by 3% in 2022, which is the largest increase in two decades. The report found that the African American infant mortality rate was 10.8 per 1,000 live births in 2020, compared to 4.9 for white babies and 5.0 for Hispanic babies. This means that African-American infants have a mortality rate that is very close to being twice as high as the national average. The report also found that non-Hispanic Black infants had 2.4 times the infant mortality rate as non-Hispanic white infants in 2020. Very preterm infants had the highest mortality rate of 363.39 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2020, which is 178 times that for infants born on term. The five main causes of infant mortality in 2020 were birth defects, premature birth and low birth weight, SIDs, injuries, and complications during pregnancy. These causes accounted for 60% of all infant deaths in 2020. The reasons for the higher infant mortality rate among African...
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